Midori Gift Wrap
This is Midori's exclusive line of Handmade Gift Wrap. It's lovely texture, gleaming metallic accents, and rich colors make an excellent backdrop for their fine ribbon. This paper is designed exclusively by Midori, and silkscreened by hand.
This earth-friendly gift wrap is a natural for crafters, gift-givers, and stationers alike. It is 100% recycled cotton fiber and available in 49 patterns & 89 colors.
These are packs of 10, 21"x29" sheets of handmade gift wrap. Midori Gift Wrap is shipped within 72 hours in most cases!

$4.32 per 21"x 29" sheet
Alphabet - IP92610 |
Ancient Airship - IP92901 |
Ancient Airship - IP92900 |
Atomic Flowers - IP92110 |
Bee - IP72134 |
Bee - IP72131 |
Big Bang Dots - IP92891 |
Big Bang Dots - IP92890 |
BellFlowers - IP88400 |
Birdcage - IP71332 |
Birdcage - IP71331 |
Buggy - IP71395 |
Chandelier - IP81300 |
Chandelier - IP81100 |
Chandelier - IP81200 |
Cherry Blossom - IP71600 |
Cherry Blossom - IP71700 |
Cherry Blossom - IP71400 |
Cherry Blossom - IP71800 |
Cloisonne - IP89200 |
Cloisonne - IP89100 |
Cloisonne - IP89300 |
Clover Leaf - IP91540 |
Clover Leaf - IP91530 |
Clover Leaf - IP91510 |
Clover Leaf - IP91520 |
Crown - IP72124 |
Crown - IP72121 |
Dots - IP71386 |
Ducklings - IP92870 |
Eiffel Tower - IP86400 |
Eiffel Tower - IP86500 |
Etoile - IP92310 |
Etoile - IP92320 |
Etoile - IP92330 |
Fleur De Lis - IP84300 |
Fleur De Lis - IP84400 |
Fleur De Lis - IP84500 |
Flourish - IP78100 |
Flourish - IP78200 |
Flourish |
Gardening - IP92840 |
Goldfish - IP71322 |
Goldfish - IP71321 |
Guitars - IP91620 |
Guitars - IP91610 |
Harlequin - IP72151 |
Harlequin - IP72152 |
Ladybug Lace - IP91410 |
Ladybug Lace - IP91420 |
Ladybug Lace - IP91440 |
Ladybug Lace - IP91430 |
Maple - IP82200 |
Maple - IP82100 |
Nami - IP92860 |
Nami - IP92861 |
Nami - IP92862 |
Nami - IP92863 |
Owl - IP92810 |
Paisley - IP92820 |
Paisley - IP92821 |
Paisley - IP92822 |
Pineapple - IP72144 |
Pineapple - IP72148 |
Pineapple - IP72145 |
Pineapple - IP72141 |
Pineapple - IP72146 |
Pineapple - IP72147 |
Pineapple - IP72142 |
Pineapple - IP72143 |
Peacock - IP87200 |
Peacock - IP87300 |
Poinsettia - IP92710 |
Reindeer - IP92510 |
Scooters - IP92830 |
Skull Wings - IP92410 |
Skull Wings - IP92420 |
Swallow - IP91110 |
Swallow - IP91130 |
Swallow - IP91120 |
Twelve Days - IP72099 |
Twelve Days - IP72102 |
Twig - IP79300 |
Twig - IP79100 |
Twig - IP79200 |
Weekend Parkade - IP92880 |
Woodlands - IP92220 |
Woodlands - IP92210 |
Yarn - IP92850 |
Copyright 2025 All Rights Reserved - Of The Earth 7706 Aurora Ave. N, Seattle, Washington 98103
Local/International 206.462.7022, Fax 206.462.7024 Toll Free US 1.888.294.1526
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