Of The Earth is an environmentally focused handmade paper and hand dyed silk manufacturer. Our logo is an allegory of our idealized world; the people and plants in harmony with the earth in a circular flow of renewal and regeneration through responsibility.

Scrap Paper!

handmade paper invitations and silk ribbon manufacturer

Handmade Paper Scrap

Help us to recycle. These grab bags contain a unique mix of our cotton and lotka fiber paper scrap. These remnant pieces are left over after tearing our larger sheets into invitations for our customers. We currently have a large backstock of paper scrap and would love to have you make use of them for your next craft project. If we don't sell them here, they get turned back into pulp as part of our effort to recycle in every way possible. You will find pieces as small as 3" x 5" and as large as 6" x 9" (but most will be between the two). No two packs contain the same mix of papers and many contain plantable seed sheets (just the right size to start your own garden). They are a great addition to your scrapbooking, card or craft collection.

Grab bags are available again!

lotka and cotton paper scrap
4 ounce Mixed Paper Grab Bags: $5 each
seed paper pulp balls
Recycled paper pulp balls - $8 per pound
They are not pretty but they can be turned into wonderful paper or planted right in your garden!
paper scrap
Cut and torn paper scrap: $2 per pound
Mixed colors and materials
seed paper box fill

Shredded 100% Recycled Seed Paper Box Fill: $1 per ounce

Pictured here is five ounces; enough to fill a medium sauce pan.


Embedded in our paper is our unique blend of wildflower seeds. This blend has been carefully selected to include seeds that will thrive in all of the growing regions found in North America. The plants tolerate partial shade, need four hours a day of direct sunlight and grow to about three feet high. The seeds include Snapdragon (annual), Petunia (annual), Beardtongue (perennial), Poppy (annual), Mountain Mint (perennial), Chamomile (perennial). The scrap paper sold here contains a mix of seeded and non-seeded paper.

Copyright 2025 All Rights Reserved - Of The Earth 7706 Aurora Ave. N Seattle, Washington 98103

Local/International 206.462.7022, Fax 206.462.7024 Toll Free US 1.888.294.1526

  • Paper
  • Invitations
  • Kits
  • Ribbon
  • Favors
  • Supplies