Scout Mob

We have been getting ready for a new partnership with a company looking to promote our papers.  You may have heard of them;  They find companies they like to feature their goods and tell their story which hopefully leads to selling their products.  We are excited to see what the response is from their customers.  They have asked us to share a bit about our work which triggered an impromptu photo shoot.  I thought it would be fun to share that shoot here on our site so you could see what they do with the raw files.  I will add a link here to the scoutmob sales feature when it is online.  They will be offering discounted retail prices off of the handmade paper and bags they have selected.

Here’s the link  –  They are now live

They chose some of our seed papers and some non-seeded lotka papers, some papers that we make here in Seattle and some from our facility in Nepal.  We are looking forward to see what the scoutmob customer finds interesting.

Floor mats
Somewhere to put your feet
Handmade paper tool kit
Tools for paper
Paper trimmer
Sharp steel
Don't try this at home
Watch those fingers
Paper pulp closeup
Paper pulp – Recycled lotka fibers

Standard magazine features Of The Earth holiday gift wrap in their latest issue

holiday issue standard magazine

Last month we got a call from the feature editor Mallory Hamel of Standard magazine, a prominent, celebrated design powerhouse.  They found our seed embedded wrapping paper and asked if we would send them samples to photograph.  We were flattered and excited and of course sent the stock and hoped for the best.  The feature turned out so much better than we had imagined.  You should have a look here

holiday issue standard magazine
Standard magazine holiday issue featuring Of The Earth seed paper gift wrap

We love how our wrapping paper can be used and saved, reused and finally planted to add oxygen to our environment, closing the circle of life by nurturing new plants from the embedded seeds.  Not only is our paper tree free and recycled, it is decorated with vegetable dyes and just right for the holidays.  You must have that one (just one?) family member that is hard to shop for.  Wrap their gift in our paper and like that kid who plays with the empty box, your friend will spend more time with the paper than what was inside.  Come spring time this wrapping paper can be potted or planted outside and with constant watering will produce a garden of wildflowers to celebrate the next season.  You can order the gift wrap here

Seed paper gift bags in time for the holidays!

These compact gift bags are the perfect fit for a container of your favorite coffee or tea that you want to share with your friend.  The bags measure 7.25 x 4.75 x 3. They are not only earth friendly because they can be used over and over again before before it is time to retire them: they do not contain fiber from a single tree!  This 50% recycled content paper is made from the bark of a common shrub found in the foothills of the Himalayas.  The shrub is part of a farmed plant that will regrow from the root ball and be ready to harvest again in 7-8 years.  And that is not all!  Once you are ready to retire this paper the careful gardener can coax flowers from the embedded seeds and generate oxygen once the sprouts bloom!  Please visit this page to order yours for just $2.50 each!